Thursday 2 January 2014

YOU can make these really cute mugs out of sharpies and just a plain white mug
1.take some vinegar or nail polish remover and wipe it on the place your going to rite on
2.take your sharpie and rite whatever you want on your mug
3.put it in the oven on 425 degrees let it be in the oven for 30 minutes 
4. then let it cool off but do not don´t touch it 
ok now your ready to enjoy your own personal cup

Sunday 29 December 2013

this is a so cute way of making brush holders out of candles if you want to see how to make them press this link  if your like me and love DIY but cant figure out  what to make check out missglamorazzi the maker of that video she does mostly makeup and beauty videos but she has some DIY videos and they are pretty awesome so go check it out!!!
